News and Views
Full planning permission received.
The prospect of 10 new homes at low rents for families in the Scholes area of theHolme Valley, took a step forward this week.The final planning...
EcoHolmes AGM 2024
On the 24th of April EcoHolmes held its fourth AGM with lots to report and some very interesting talks from guest speakers Professor Phil Brown, from Huddersfield University, Department of Housing & Communities, and Richard Townend of GWP Architecture.

Chippings site – development partner Connect Housing Association
Last year we shared our news that plans for affordable, low energy homes at an old quarry site in Scholes had been approved. We are now able to...
New EcoHolmes Brochure
Since setting up EcoHolmes in late 2019, we have been on a mission to build more affordable homes in the Holme Valley. 2024 could be the year it happens. See post for link to new brochure with details of our journey todate and our plans for the future.
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EcoHolmes Community Land Trust
EcoHolmes is a community-led housing business providing affordable low-energy homes to rent in the Holme Valley, that are fit for the future.
Want to make home energy savings? We can help with practical advice, low-interest loans, solar panel installations, and information on grants for extra financial support.News | Community Land Trust Network
Latest developments and news in the CLT and community led housing movements Select...AllNewsEvents to get all our news direct to your inboxWho are EcoHOLMEs?
EcoHOLMEs is a community business for the purpose of providing the affordable low-energy homes that our Holme Valley community urgently needs, and that are fit for the future.
EcoHOLMEs is a Community Land Trust (CLT) set up by local people to build and own homes for the long term benefit of the Holme Valley community. The homes built will be allocated to local people, and will also serve as exemplars of low carbon living.
Why affordable low-energy homes?
There is a pressing shortage of low-cost affordable housing in the Holme Valley, both for sale and for rent. There is also a growing realisation that we need for more low-energy housing, as we move to a more sustainable lifestyle as part of our response to the Climate Emergency.
EcoHOLMEs plan to build the affordable low-energy homes our community needs that fit for the future.
How will we deliver EcoHOLMEs?
EcoHOLMEs plan to acquire land for our affordable housing sites by asset transfers, donations, long term leases or open market purchases of land or property
As a community business, we are able to seek planning permission for sites not available for commercial housing development! Funding the development and build cost of these homes will be by a mix of grant funding, commercial loans and community share funding.
How you can help
Become a Member
EcoHOLMEs is a member-run organisation, embedded in our Holme Valley community. The homes we provide will be owned by the community and will benefit those in housing need within the community.
Anyone who is 18 years or over and lives or works in the Holme Valley area can join as a Member of the EcoHOLMEs Community Land Trust.
Show your support and be a part of this exciting community venture, by become a member of EcoHOLMES on payment of £1 for a non-withdrawable, non-interest paying Share in EcoHOLMEs.
You can JOIN NOW and make your payment online by debit or credit card
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If you wish to make a donation to help our cause, you can make your payment online by debit or credit card.