Over three quarters of people who were recently asked, think that we need more affordable homes in the Holme Valley. Nearly half of them personally know someone who cannot find a suitable place to live locally where they work and have connections.

Using an online survey, Eco Holmes have helped fill out a vision for better homes that could be built in this area. Our vision has been shaped by a series of 14 workshops run last year. We are still seeking your views as we work to find the sites and funding to develop affordable, fit-for-the-future homes to help keep people in the Holme Valley.

A majority see the need for more affordable homes justifying extra houses being built; most people would prefer, where possible, to see existing buildings re-used and green space protected.

People want to see an improved standard of homes, so they are well-insulated, cheap and easy to run, using solar power and other sources of renewable energy. They need to be near services, public transport and have charging points to encourage electric cars or even ‘pooled’ cars for neighbours. New homes should be designed to promote neighbourliness with shared outdoor spaces for play and as growing areas.

Using a well-established approach – Community Led Housing – we can make this happen. The homes are owned by the community and rented at low cost to people with local connections.