Our first Annual General Meeting was held on Zoom on Tuesday 16th February 2021, with some 21 members attending. The CLT now has 63 members and over 200 subscribers to its newsletters. The Chair Stephen Sheard, reported on our first years activities since being established in September 2019, and the Secretary/Acting Treasurer John Queening presented the annual financial accounts for the last year. The Directors Annual Report and the Financial Accounts for FY2020 are both published on this website. In the formal AGM business, the reports and accounts were accepted and a new Management Board elected by the CLT members; all the founder Directors standing down as this was our first AGM.

Presentations were then made by Board members Tony Hood and Matthew Tulley, firstly on feedback from our ‘Listening to the Community’ engagment work and secondly on how this has been applied to our EcoHolmes concept housing – small community sites with 5 to 25 units in small clusters of terraces, in a style that suits the local character of the area, and built as quality sustainable homes fit for the future. Their construction will follow the principles of a ‘fabric first’ design for reducing heat loss and saving energy, as well as being designed for well-being, and lifetime needs, all within a communal setting. A final Q&A session was then held, with the Members having an opportunity to ask questions of the Board of EcoHolmes.