EcoHolmes Brochure
View or download our new EcoHolmes Brochure Jan 2024 by clicking this link
Our original brochure is still available as EcoHolmes CLT brochure 202
Housing survey
We would very much like the Holme Valley community to give their views on what we should provide and build for an EcoHolme housing development.
Please try our EcoHolmes housing survey questionnaire of 10 short multiple choice questions by clicking this link Holme Valley housing survey questionnaire – your help and assistance with this is very much appreciated.
Community feedback
EcoHolmes are keen to hear what the Holme Valley community says about our housing needs.
A consultation event was held in Honley on 15th February 2023, “Homes that don’t cost the Earth” to inform local people and hear what they wanted from housing in their area. This is the first of a series of roadshows by EcoHolmes in local centres in the Holme Valley.
In 2021 and 2022, EcoHolmes held consultations in the Scholes area and on-line, on plans for the Chippings site on the south east edge of Scholes village.
In 2020, we held 12 community small discussion group sessions on Zoom over Spring and Summer. From these discussions, we collated the community feedback received in response to the questions posed on each of the six themes; Location and Community, Infrastructure & Services, Local Housing need, Greener eco-homes, Homes for Younger families, and Homes for Older people.
To read or download the summary feedback on What the Community said…….! click here
To see the questions asked and the collective community responses from these group discussions, click here
Short video clips
Watch these short video clips:
What is a Community Land trust?
PassivHaus explained in 90 seconds
Links to other useful websites will be shared on this page:
Community-led homes: communityledhomes.org.uk
My community / Locality / CLH: mycommunity.org.uk
CLH toolkit guide: clhtoolkit.org
Community First Yorkshire CLC: communityfirstyorkshire.org.uk
National Community Land Trusts network: communitylandtrusts.org.uk
Calder Valley CLT (at Hebden Bridge): caldervalleyclt.org.uk
Leeds Community Homes CLT: leedscommunityhomes.org.uk
York Community Homes CLT: yorspace.org
Knaresborough CLT: knaresboroughclt.co.uk
UK Housing: Fit for the Future?- IPPC Report 2019: theccc.org.uk
Low Energy retrofit in Social Housing Report 2017 – Capita for NEF: nef.org.uk
Delivering Low Carbon homes – Carbon Trust Retrofit Challenge 2011: superhomes.org.uk
Passivhaus and EnerPHit building standards: passivhaustrust.org.uk
Energiesprong net zero building standards: energiesprong.uk
HoTT Holmfirth Transition Town initiative: hott.org.uk
Holme Valley Parish Council – Climate Emergency Action Plan – Housing: holmevalleyparishcouncil.gov.uk