EcoHOLMEs are running a series of on-line SMALL GROUP WORKSHOPS on ZOOM most weeks until the end of June.

These Zoom online events will focus on different aspects of EcoHOLMEs and local housing issues, about which we’d like your views. You can attend as many groups as you like. Click on the event topics below to get more information

Spaces are limited so do sign up quickly by emailing us – your name – contact phone number  – and the title of the small group(s) you’d like to attend to

Mon 18th May 2.00pm:  Homes for Older People

Tues 26th May  2.00pm:  Infrastructure & Services

Wed 3rd June 2.00pm:  Local housing needs 

Thurs 11th June 7.30pm:  Homes for young families

Host:  Stephen Sheard Example questions he’d like to discuss and get your views include

  • What do you think are the key design features to consider for homes with young children?  For example, how would you design the kitchen, storage units and outside space?
  • How would this affect the look and footprint of the building?
  • Most people seem to agree that new homes should be more fuel efficient and have a less damaging impact on global warming – if so, what are the key eco features to consider – such as heating systems and ways of recycling?
  • What should we avoid doing?
  • Do you think that homes in the same dwelling and/or on the same site should be inter-generational? If so why?

Tues 23rd June 7.00pm:  Greener eco-homes

Wed 30th June 7.00pm:  Location & Community